Fire extinguishers are the first go-to in protecting your investments from substantial damage.
Without properly functioning fire extinguishers you are putting your property and the individuals in it in danger.
If your business has been issued a warning from your local fire authority or insurance company that your fire extinguishers need to be inspected or serviced we can help.
We can certify anywhere from 1 to hundreds of fire extinguishers in a day.
Fires can happen in seconds. And when they do, you want to be ready. Don’t leave the safety of your property up to chance.
At South Coast Fire Protection we are fully licensed to make sure your fire extinguishers are working and ready to go.
Don’t Lose Your Investment. Get a Maintenance Plan.
Make sure to set up a regular inspection, testing and replacement program to ensure all your equipment is ready for a potential disaster.
Contact us to discuss a service plan and/or equipment to fit your particular needs!